Ozarks Ride Report Road Rating Guide.
Level 1 - Smooth roads with good signs for navigation. No sharp corners. In general Leve 1 roads will be interstates and other 4 lane highways.
Level 2 - Smooth 2 lane roads with few sharp corners or elevation changes. In town roads with 2 or more lanes, stop lights, and the general hazards of city riding.
Level 3 - Smooth 2 lane roads with sharp corners, elevation changes, many attaching roads. This is the normal riding road for SW Missouri and NW Arkansas. On these roads it is possible to maintain the posted speed limit on the straights and suggested speed for corners comfortably.
Level 4 - Rough 2 lane or less paved roads. Not possible to safely maintain the speed limit, or suggested corner speed. Normally these will be the lesser maintained county roads, in Missouri if there is no posted speed limit, it's 45 MPH. ( That is what I have been told, I'll try to find a reference.)
Level 5 - Roads that for some reason do not qualify for riding on a street bike. Any unpaved or Ridiculously pot holed, cracked or otherwise unridable condition.
You may be wondering, how would you know about what you're calling Level 5 roads if your riding around on a street bike? We also Currently Have a Honda CRF230M which can navigate most of these roads, Also, we will ride the Fat Bob down some unpaved roads, however it would be wrong of me to suggest you do the same. Level 5 roads should be left to people that have the skill set to do so and bikes designed to navigate them.